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Cigna PPO Disclaimer

The Cigna PPO Network refers to the health care providers (doctors, hospitals, specialists) contracted as part of the Cigna PPO for Shared Administration.
Cigna is an independent company and not affiliated with Medical Mutual. Access to the Cigna PPO Network is available through Cigna's contractual relationship with Medical Mutual. All Cigna products are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company. The Cigna name, logo, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc.


Provider data last updated on: 3/29/2025
Page last updated on: 10/3/2022

Disclaimer: The PDF may not have the most up to date information. Please use the Provider Directory or member login on the previous page for more accurate results. Always call your provider ahead of your appointment to verify they are in your network.

The information on this Web site and any links are for your information only and does not take the place of, or is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor. Any services recommended or provided by your doctor may not be covered under the terms of your benefit plan. Eligibility and coverage are subject to the specific terms of your benefit plan.

Please note: Some in-network hospitals may employ hospital-based providers, such as laboratories, anesthesiologists, radiologists and emergency room physicians, who are not in your plan’s network. Hospital-based providers are on-site providers who perform medical services within a hospital or health center setting.

A hospital-based provider who is not in network can charge you more than what we pay and you could be billed for the difference (up to the entire cost of the service). This is called balance billing.

Whenever possible, please contact your provider(s) before making an appointment. Verify the provider participates in your plan’s network, and, if applicable, is accepting new patients. Also, prior to services, discuss any applicable facility fees that you will be charged, and responsible for with your provider.

Always seek care for a life-threatening emergency at the hospital nearest to you, regardless of the network status of the hospital or its hospital-based providers. In emergency situations, we will pay your plan's highest level of benefits on the allowed-amount for services provided. This may still result in balance billing.